The Hackathon was successfully co-ordinate by the student representatives on both the days and was judged by a panel of talented judges. After three levels of scrutiny and judging, three teams were shortlisted. Ms. Reshma Refina Khan A and Sriram of team Noxus from Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai secured the first place and won a cash award of Rs.10,000 after 24 hours of hard work, followed by team Dev Daredevils Aadhithya D, Adithya S, Thiruvikraman A, Sanjaii,  of VIT and team code bots Mohanprasath R, Abhinav Shankar H, Pavithran.R.A, of SRM Institute of Technology in second and third places. Mr. Jackson Noah Victor, Solutions architect, Bigtapp India pvt. ltd, Mr.Jabez Selvaraj D, Director, Creators Lab India, Mr. Balaji Rajendran Full Stack Web Developer & Industrialist, Vijayalakshmi Swaminathan Senior

5. Connexion – Event
Activities ranged from simple chat activities for a better introduction to facilitate a conversation​ to more active games to play. Students conducted various brainstorming events which were a fun activity by involving all the participants and the or​ganizing team. This was a great team-building activity as well! In this event students were asked to answer quiz questions from various fields of entertainment. The participants took part in the event enthusiastically and the forum was filled with buzz of joy which rejuvenated their energy to develop the applications.